Welcome to the first ICUDDR blog post!
Published by administrator on 22.3.2019
Welcome to the first ICUDDR blog post! We will be posting weekly. Our goal is to provide information about current research that might be of interest to you and your students, to provide tips for new program or curriculum development, talk about adaptations to the universal curricula and to provide a forum for university faculty who are working on drug demand reduction education programs to have their questions answered.
We are hoping that many of you will want to be guest bloggers. If you are interested in writing a three to five paragraph blog post on one of the topics above, please send me an email at johnsonk@icuddr.com and we can discuss your ideas and get you in queue.
My first few posts will be about issues and concerns that we are seeing in the ICUDDR member survey results. If you are an ICUDDR member university and have not completed the survey, please go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ICUDDRmember and complete the online survey. It is available in English and Spanish. That way I will be sure to cover things that are important to you.
Next week I will talk about the research on why it is so hard to implement evidence based programming in addiction treatment programs and what you can do as an educator to ensure your students are able to use the material you teach in class once they get into the workforce.